Thursday 22 October 2009

Tony Blairs CV



Isn't it ironic that Blair is about to be made President of Europe at the time the Beast of Bosnia faces trial for war crimes?.

In my opinion they should both share a cell.

As well as being a pathological liar and a war criminal Tony Blair is responsible for deliberately flooding the UK with immigrants, both legal and illegal.
He was voted into office because of his promise to give the British Nation a referendum on the EU although he clearly never had any intention of delivering on this promise.
He was already planning to integrate his Fabian buddies into every area of British Government via the Common Purpose organisation.

And this is the man being touted as the President of Europe?

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Monday 19 October 2009

Stop Tony Blair

Petition against the nomination of Tony Blair as President of the European Union


In violation of international law, Tony Blair committed his country to a war in Iraq that a large majority of European citizens opposed. This war has claimed hundreds of thousands of victims and displaced millions of refugees. It has been a major factor in today's profound destabilisation of the Middle East, and has weakened world security. In order to lead his country into war, Mr Blair made systematic use of fabricated evidence and the manipulation of information. His role in the Iraq war would weigh heavily on the image of the Union in the world, should he in fact be named its president.