Friday 11 December 2009

Blair: 'Iraq War Was Right Even Without WMD'

"Tony Blair has said he believes it would have been right to invade Iraq even if it was known that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction".

I wonder if Mr Blair would have been so keen if he had been expected to be on the front line himself.
My guess is he'd piss probably his pants at the mere thought of it.
In this interview which will be shown this week there is not a mention of the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women and children he slaughtered in order to massage his massive ego.
We were responsible for far more deaths in the region than Saddam Hussein.
And for what? Because he pissed Tony off!!

I will never forget the picture of a young Iraqi child in one of the tabloid rags lying in a pile of rubble with her head blown wide open as a result of one of your missile attacks.
What makes you any better than Saddam Hussein Mr Blair?
I suppose in your mind she was just another Iraqi, to me she was just a child who had probably done no wrong in her short life.
You're an arrogant, disgusting, lying warmongerer Mr Blair and I pray I get to see you face charges for your criminal actions before I die.

Read More Here

Like Saddam Hussein Tony Bliar should have been left dangling from a rope, not permitted to swan around the Middle East making a fortune.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Dr Kelly Death: Legal Move For New Inquest

"Six doctors have launched a legal action to demand that the inquest into weapons expert David Kelly's death is reopened.
Dr Kelly was found dead at a beauty spot near his Oxfordshire home in 2003 after he was exposed as the source of a story that Tony Blair's Government "sexed-up" its dossier on Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction to justify invading Iraq.
In one final phone conversation, he told a caller he would not be surprised "if my body was found in the woods".

Full Story Here

Thursday 3 December 2009


"All we really need is to hear four questions asked and ruthlessly truthful answers given. Permit me to offer both.

1. Did Tony Blair, on March 18, 2003, in a brilliant but now infamous speech at the despatch Box in the house of Commons, secure from an originally unwilling house a mandate to invade Iraq? Answer: Yes, he did. It is all in Hansard for that day and verbatim.

2. Did he, in order to secure that vote, tell the house on oath that he had personally seen comprehensive and convincing evidence that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction which were a threat to us all? Answer: Yes he did indeed and that is also in Hansard.

3. Given that there was only one man in the kingdom who could conceivably show that evidence to his Prime Minister, had the chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, Sir Richard Dearlove, truly shown him that evidence? Answer: NO, he had not because no such evidence existed nor ever had.
Sir Richard does not tell lies. he has already told the Butler Inquiry the same as the above. (Why oh why did the media not notice that devastating testimony in the Butler Report?)
Sir Richard may yet repeat this to the Chilcot Inquiry, even if it is wrapped in the usual mandarinese euphe- misms and concessive clauses.

4. Given that if the above is true – and it is – did Tony Blair lie to the house to secure his mandate? Answer: Yes he emphatically did.

The trouble is the Establishment will dance round a disagreeable truth like Morris dancers on amphetamines but never tackle it. The fact is you never, ever, send men to war on the basis of a whim, a rumour or a single, one-source, unconfirmable allegation. Blair did all three. (The single source, an Iraqi defector code- named Curveball, turned out to be a complete liar.)"


Tuesday 1 December 2009

Tony Blair is a War Criminal

Following the failure of "Our Tone" to secure the Presidency of the EU and in light of the evidence being produced by the Chillcot Enquiry I have changed the title of this blog.

It has now been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Tony Bliar took this country to war on a background of lies and deceit.

Over 100,000 Iraqi civilians and more than 4,500 soldiers from coalition forces have been killed during almost seven years of the occupation - and probably ten times that number have been injured. Two million Iraqis have fled their country and another two million have been internally displaced.

It makes me sick to the stomach to see this man and his cheesy grin being treated like some Hollywood Superstar wherever he goes.
Not one of our elected MP's has had the courage to stand up and demand he be prosecuted, no doubt because they were all complicit in the deceit.

Please sign this petition to the President of the United Nations General Assembly and the UK Attorney General calling for Tony Blair to be prosecuted for his crimes against humanity.

The Blair War Crimes Foundation

General Sir Michael Rose is Calling for Bliar to Stand Trial...

Read More Here

Chillcot Inquiry A Whitewash